The PyMC3 discourse forum is a great place to ask general questions about Bayesian statistics, or more specific ones about PyMC3 usage.
Learn Bayesian statistics
...with others!
...with a video!
YouTube Playlist
There is an actively curated playlist of PyMC3 talks on YouTube.
Advance Bayesian Modelling with PyMC3
A two days advance workshop in May 2018 @CEAi in the Czech Republic.
...with a book!
Bayesian Methods for Hackers
Fantastic book with many applied code examples.
Github Repo |
Project homepage |
Doing Bayesian Data Analysis
Principled introduction to Bayesian data analysis.
Book website |
PyMC3 notebooks for first edition |
PyMC3 notebooks for second edition |
Statistical Rethinking
A Bayesian Course with Examples in R and Stan.
Book website |
PyMC3 port of the code |
Bayesian Analysis with Python
A great introductory book written by a maintainer of PyMC3.
Book website |
Code and errata in PyMC3 |
Bayesian Cognitive Modeling: A Practical Course
Focused on using Bayesian statistics in cognitive modeling.
Book website |
PyMC3 implementations |
Bayesian Data Analysis
A comprehensive, standard, and wonderful textbook on Bayesian methods.
Book website |
Examples and exercises implemented in PyMC3 |